Our Approach

10 Step Process

1. Initial client “kick off” meeting

  • Outline search requirements, timelines, future organizational strategy and mission, and corporate culture.

2. Deeper client analysis and creation of a candidate specification

  • Edge Global Search (EGS) will then begin a more thorough analysis of the hiring company, identifying key opportunities for the new executive, and defining a candidate outline that fits into the corporate culture and organizational structure.  Following this process, EGS will create a compelling executive job profile.

3. Market analysis and search strategy

  • This stage will include a deeper analysis of the marketplace outlining the competitive environment including key companies and industries we may wish to research for executive talent.  We will all avenues in order to gain access to the top talent in the selected metro area and beyond.

4. Talent Mapping

  • We create an industry and function wide map of talent and a long-list of potential candidates.  This activity essentially casts an effective and efficient net capturing all potential prospects.

5. Approach, qualify, and interview to create a short list

  • After we have a number of high potential executives listed (sometimes 100+), we will begin qualifying the potential targets and identifying whether they are suitable candidates.  We achieve a shortlist through detailed interviews that explore the prospects’ background, competencies and interest in the role. 

6. Present short list to the client

7. Narrow to 3-5, thorough client interviews

8. Offer and negotiation

  • After a series of interviews and consideration of external references (including non-candidate supplied), the client will select their preferred candidate and the process of renumeration and offer negotiation will commence.  We will act as a mediator in this process to ensure both parties’ needs are being met while clearly working for the client.

9. Onboarding and integration

  • EGS will assist with the integration (onboarding) plan of the successful candidate ensuring a successful start.

10. Follow up

  • Finally, although we have successfully completed the search, EGS will continue to maintain close ties with the placed executive informing the hiring client of any issues that may arise at 30, 90, 120 day, and 1-year milestone dates to ensure long term satisfaction for both parties.